I have been experimenting with the use of electronic devices such as IC recorders and ICT to support the lives of people with dementia. For example, I have automatically output alarm sounds and voices from IC recorders, and have sent out messages such as "Let's take medicine" at the time of setting, along with alarm sounds, as many times as necessary in a day. We have also provided schedule support via videophone, conversation support with volunteers, music to guide their activities, and audio and video recordings of their activities during the day.
However, there were many cases where the patients did not follow the instructions even when we asked them to take their medication or go for a walk. The reason for this was that methods for motivating and encouraging behavior had not yet been researched, and methods for dealing with forgetting to carry the device, refusing to carry it, and finding the person and presenting information to them had not yet been established. Even today, few solutions have been proposed to solve these problems.
There are pet robots, assistive robots, rescue robots, communication robots, cleaning robots, etc. However, their activities are quite limited in stairs, gardens, fields, etc. It is also difficult to track the person moving. They are also difficult to track, expensive, and require pre-programming.
We thought that if the dog could provide healing and information support, the above problems could be solved to some extent. In other words, we thought it would be possible to install an ICT device on the dog, and when the dog hears the alarm sound of the device, the dog would seek out the person and approach him to motivate him. We thought it would be possible to do so. As of 2017, we have trained four dogs to go to their masters when they hear a sound, and all of them were able to do so within three or four days.
I have made the above suggestions at conferences and workshops, and also created the website of the "Association for Raising Dementia Support Dogs" with supporters (you can jump to it from below).
As of October 2018, we have posted the following videos of three dogs.
In all of them, when the IC recorder sounds automatically, they run to their masters and urge them to "take their medicine" or "keep a diary. In addition, there are images of her sucking on a certain object and bringing it to me. There are some application ideas and training methods. Please have a look.